The power of photogrammetry: Simulating the real world in VR - Get a behind-the-scenes look at a project made with Unity from Varjo, who used photogrammetry and dynamic lighting to create a realistic and lifelike environment in virtual reality (VR).
Unity Technologies Blog
Here’s what’s in the brand-new Unity 2019.2 - In this release, you get more than 170 new features and enhancements for artists, designers, and programmers. We’ve updated ProBuilder, Shader Graph, 2D Animation, Burst Compiler, UI Elements, and many more.
Unity Technologies Blog
Release 2019.3.0a11 - Unity version 2019.3.0a11 has also been released.
Unity Beta Releases
VectorFieldExamples - This repository contains examples that show how to use vector fields with Unity Visual Effect Graph.
Interactive Map Shader: Terrain Shading - The online course about TERRAIN SHADING is now available for everyone! If you want to get started with VERTEX SHADERS and MESH DEFORMATION in Unity3d, this is definitely a tutorial worth reading!
Alan Zucconi
Report Builder - We’re releasing a new feature called Report Builder, a drag-and-drop tool to build custom reports to enhance campaign insights, measure performance & drive optimizations
Sphere-Pathfinding - An unoptimized test of A* pathfinding on a sphere. Source code included
Sebastian Lague
Making Hit/Explosion Particle Effects with custom particle shaders - I was making new Hit Particle Effects for Astro Kat and wrote 2 new particle shaders for it that I wanted to share with you today.
Minions Art
Luna Labs Launches to Offer Tools to Create Playable Ads from Unity - Luna Labs, a game technology company dedicated to enabling studios with tools to create high-quality HTML5 content from their games, has officially launched its services.
Luna Labs