95% off: Fantasy, Reality, Beyond: Triple Mega Bundle Sale -
Sci-fi Bundle: Venture into the cosmos with our sci-fi bundle, filled with futuristic tools to craft galaxies, cyber cities, and worlds beyond imagination!
Realistic Bundle: Build stunningly lifelike worlds with our realistic bundle, packed with high-quality assets and tools to bring your vision to life with unmatched detail.
Fantasy Bundle: Forge your epic adventure with our fantasy bundle, brimming with enchanted assets and mystical tools to bring your worlds to life!
Unity Affiliate
AdvancedSharpAdbClient - AdvancedSharpAdbClient is a .NET library that allows .NET, Mono and Unity applications to communicate with Android devices. It's improved version of SharpAdbClient.
SharpAdb Open Source
BlendShare - BlendShare is an Unity tool designed for creators who need to share blendshapes without distributing the original FBX files. This tool enables the extraction of blendshapes from FBX files and stores them in a custom asset format. These assets can be easily shared and applied to compatible FBX files.
Tr1turbo Open Source
SdfManipulator - unity project for working with SDFs easily
T3sT3ro Open Source
FPCSharpUnity - Functional Programming with C# in Unity Game Engine Library
FPCSharpUnity Open Source
Flexy.AssetRefs - Flexy.AssetRefs provides an efficient way to indirectly reference assets and scenes, offering cleaner alternative to Unity Addressables. Designed for flexibility, it is easy to use right from the prototyping stage.
FlexyTools Open Source
Frent - A high performance C# ECF/ECS. While Frent's implementation is an archetype based ECS, thats not why Frent was made. Frent is primarily an ECF - Entity Component Framework - that allows you to easily use composition for code reuse rather than inheritance with minimal boilerplate. Think Unity's Monobehavior powered by the principles and speed of an ECS, as well as less boilerplate.
itsBuggingMe Open Source
CnC_Red_Alert - Command and Conquer: Red Alert. This repository includes source code for Command & Conquer Red Alert.
electronicarts Open Source
log4uni - log4net wrapper and UnityEngine.Debug appender for Unity
HolyShovelSoft Open Source
NavMeshPlus - Unity NavMesh 2D Pathfinding
h8man Open Source
tarject - Tarject is a framework for Unity that eliminates tight coupling, offering an easy-to-use, readable, flexible, and highly optimized solution for modular and maintainable game development.
tariksavas Open Source
MirrorVR - A VR system for Mirror Networking, that makes it easier to develop VR games with Mirror in Unity.
TheTechWiz5305 Open Source
Nino - Ultimate high-performance binary serialization library for C#.
JasonXuDeveloper Open Source
unity-flex-ui - Flexbox layout support for Unity UI using the Yoga layout engine
gilzoide Open Source
UnityVATBaker - Vertex Animation Texture tool in unity for skinned characters.
Mamantenok1599 Open Source
Shop up to 50% off FreshCan3D - Pubiisher Sale - Freshcan 3D's expertise lies in a variety of 3D environment settings, including wild forests spreading along mountains, countryside farms, industrial regions, and abandoned military areas created in popular game engines, including Unreal Engine and Unity. PLUS get Abandoned Post Apocalyptic City Pack for FREE with code FRESHCAN3D
Unity Affiliate
Infinite Echoes Ultimate Sound And Music Bundle - Supersize your soundscape today. How your audience interacts with the sound design of your work is extremely important—add the best sounds possible to your vision with our latest bundle! Create the perfect audioscape for your game, film, or creative project with this mega bundle of 3000+ sounds from Ovani Sound! This massive library features Dark Fantasy Music Pack Vol. 2, Electricity Sound FX Pack, and more! Get the assets you need to achieve the sound you’re looking for, and help support the Children's Miracle Network with your purchase!
Humble Bundle Affiliate
All-In-One VR Game Dev Bundle - Unity, Unreal, Godot + 1001 Assets - Game development in a new dimension Opportunities like this don’t come often! Learn how to create your own VR games with this bundle of courses from Mammoth Interactive! This comprehensive curriculum will help you level up your skills in VR game development, with Humble Bundle exclusives like Godot 4 VR Development with WebXR and VR Unreal 5.5 Game Development Bootcamp. This 30+ course bundle will give you the expert advice and knowledge you seek. Create in a new dimension and help support Children's Miracle Network with your purchase!
Humble Bundle Affiliate