How we did our localization in Academia - Despite its simplicity, our localization process in our game, Academia, has enabled the game to be translated into 10 languages.

Crumble: Platform Game Mechanics & Shaders in Unity - BruteForceGame did a detailed technical breakdown (code included) of #Crumble: soft body mechanics, grass and watercolor shaders + other aspects.
80 Level

Unity Addressables Migration: Music to my Ears (Part 1) - You've seen the potential benefits of Addressables and you want to give it a shot in your game. But there're so many possibilities! Where to start with your Unity Addressables Migration? Here's an option for you: Music.
Ruben Torres Bonet
My take on shaders: Grass Shader (Part I) - In the previous tutorial we saw some stuff around geometry shaders, which have a lot of really interesting applications, and grass shaders is one of the most popular ones!
Harry Alisavakis

Ghost effect - Here's the breakdown for the Ghost effect! Noise + Fresnel + Depth pass. Shader code for the base and the aura in the first reply!

Learn To Create A Roguelike Game In Unity3d 2019 - You can get my longest ever course 'Learn To Create A Roguelike Game In Unity3d 2019' this weekend for just $9.99! Learn how to generate dungeons, unlock characters, fight bosses and more!
James Doyle

Buried Memories: High Fidelity Game Visuals in Unity Learn Premium - The Buried Memories Volume 2: Serekh asset pack was released in the Summer of 2019 by Unity’s Asset Store and provides AAA quality, high fidelity assets to bring your project to life. To accompany this stunning asset pack, the Learn Content and Unity Icons Collective teams have crafted a brand new premium learning experience for intermediate artists and generalists.

Unity Digest: Stylized Nature & Movement Systems - Check out these beautiful nature packs for stylized environments and amazing character movement systems! Everything comes with a nice Halloween discount.
80 Level

Take aim at making your first Unity game - You read it here first: we partnered with iLLOGIKA to create a first-person shooter (FPS) video game template (or “Microgame”) to help new users get started in Unity. The FPS Microgame is a simple, already-functional game, and by following the guided tutorials that come with it, you can edit and customize the game to make it your own. Best of all, you can share your playable Microgame online after you’re done.

Using Managed Types In Jobs - Job structs can’t contain managed types like string, class instances, or delegates. This is currently a pain as a lot of the Unity API relies on these and so we’re forced to deal with them. Today we’ll talk about how we can use managed types in our jobs to bridge the gap.
Your First Game Jam hosted by Andre (Mix and Jam) with Code Monkey and CouchFerret - New tro Unity? Join host Andre from Mix and Jam and other expert game dev content creators as they put on their Unity beginner hats and help YOU start creating with Unity. Get step-by-step advice for beginners along with creative suggestions, easy shortcuts, and answers to your questions with live Q&A.

How I capture frame-perfect 1080 60fps footage with audio - How I capture frame-perfect 1080 60fps footage with audio, from the editor on my tiny slow laptop, using unity3d's Unity Recorder and RenderHeads AVPro Movie Capture
Tom Vian

Loop optimization - Btw, always remember to cache the count of your for Lists loops if it's not gonna change (instead of doing for(...myList.Count...)): the performance difference is rather staggering :P
Daniele Giardini

You’re part of the VR story in Bonfire with AI-based characters - How award-winning Baobab tapped Unity to create immersive experiences for mobile

Unity Tips | Part 5 - Persistent Data Saving data between game sessions - There are tons of ways to save data in Unity. Learn about three of them - PlayerPrefs, binary serialization and JSON! They're not as scary as they sound!
Daniel Ilett

Creating a Simple Property Drawer - Properties drawers can be used to customize the UI of specific elements, or the entire Inspector from a serializable class. In this tutorial, we will use a custom Attribute in order to modify the way that a string value is rendered on the inspector.
Rafael Grochoska
Curated #UnityTips No. 101 by Devdog Oct. 2019! - Hey there fellow gamedevs! Time for this week's #Unitytips made by our friends in this really awesome community that we get to be a part of. Have a well needed break, grab a drink, and enjoy the read below.

Update Visual Studio for Mac for an improved Unity experience! - Update Visual Studio for Mac and get the latest fixes and features - including better debugging and Unity diagnostics with quick fixes. Learn more in my latest blog post.
John Miller

Open Call for Authors on the Unity Team [FREE] - We’re looking for Unity authors to join our team. Read on to see how to apply!
Ray Wenderlich

Draw Calls Shaders and Batches - This is the second part of a tutorial series about creating a custom scriptable render pipeline. It covers the writing of shaders and drawing multiple objects efficiently.
Catlike Coding


* All jobs listed consider remote hires.


Bastion Effect, Progressive Level Visibility in Unity using Shader Graph - Bastion Effect, Progressive Level Visibility in Unity using Shader Graph.
AE Tuts
FIRST PERSON MOVEMENT in Unity - FPS Controller - Let's see how to get an FPS Character Controller up and running in no time!

Spaceship VFX Graph Breakdown! - The node-base effects in Visual Effects Graph enable you to create amazing VFX in real-time! In this demo project, there are plenty of examples showing the variety of effects you can achieve with this tool!
From 2D to 3D in a SNAP! (Unity Snaps Tutorial) - Create 3D games with Snaps.
Thomas Brush

Making a CARD GAME in Unity - Halloween DEVLOG! - I continue making my card game set in a fantasy/spooky youtuber world!

Unity3d with AR Foundation - How To Use VFX Graph With AR Foundation in Unity 2019.3.0b7? - AR Foundation with Unity3d and VFX Graph is demoed in this video where "Dan Miller" repository located in GitHub is used to demonstrate the power of using Visual Effect Graph in Augmented Reality.
Dilmer Valecillos

How to Write Shaders in Unity - an Easy introduction by Febucci - Get started writing your first Shaders!
How To Generate Random 3D Buildings In Unity - In this video we continue exploring the theme of procedural city generation by looking at how to generate 3D buildings from small modular parts. We're using a set of free assets created by Kenney, link below.
Matt MirrorFish


HUMBLE BOOK BUNDLE: DEVELOPING YOUR OWN GAMES BY SPRINGER - Turn your video game ideas into a reality! Get a head start in your game development career with ebooks like Developing 2D Games with Unity, Mostly Codeless Game Development, and Understanding Game Application Development.

Humble Bundle Affiliate
Amplify Painter - Experimental release of Amplify Painter, an integrated Unity painting tool with a flexible layering system and strongly community driven. Join today and help shape the future of Unity surface painting. ** FREE DOWNLOAD ** Set price to $0!

HUMBLE DAY OF THE DEVS BUNDLE 2019 - Day of the Devs is a free indie game event held annually in San Francisco hosted by Double Fine and iam8bit! Skip the line with the VIP ticket if you're in town – but if you're not, fret not. We've brought a bundle of treats to you! $81 WORTH OF AWESOME STUFF. PAY $1 OR MORE
Humble Bundle Affiliate

HUMBLE LEARN AND PLAY VR-AR GAME DEV BUNDLE - Play VR games such as Stunt Kite Masters VR and then learn how to make your own with Zenva's courses! Build VR and AR apps with Unity, including RPGs, first-person shooters, and more. $1,286 WORTH OF AWESOME STUFF. PAY $1 OR MORE
Humble Bundle Affiliate

Game Spotlight

N.E.S.T - Hey everyone! I recently started the development of N.E.S.T, an action-packed, looter-shooter mobile game, and have been logging the progress through videos on YouTube every week!

Daniel described this week's installment of the devlog with: "Added a bunch of enemies into the game as well as some basic AI, including wandering, inspecting and attacking!"

View the full playlist on youtube for more insight into the dev process

Daniel Lochner

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