Bridging the virtual and real: Benefits of a digital twin - Get up to speed on how digital twin technology is changing how manufactured products and infrastructure projects are designed, brought to market, and maintained. What exactly is a digital twin? A digital twin is a fully working virtual copy of a real-world system.
Release 2019.3.0b8 - Unity version 2019.3.0b8 has been released.
How Unity Reflect solves challenges in interactive visualization - We invited award-winning architecture firm SHoP Architects to share their early impressions of our new product Unity Reflect in our latest webinar. Whether you’re a developer or have never touched a line of code, Unity Reflect lets you quickly and easily create real-time BIM experiences to win more projects, conduct immersive design reviews, and connect design and construction.
Physics updates in Unity 2019.3 - Unity 2019.3 beta brings quite a few updates to our PhysX integration. This will make the current implementation more precise, faster, and more robust. We’ve upgraded the PhysX library to PhysX 4.1 from PhysX 3.4.
Adding Bit Fields to C# - Bit fields give us the ability to use less than one byte to store an integer. This can be really useful to fit more data into a CPU cache or to reduce memory usage in general. Unfortunately, bit fields aren’t built into C#. Today we’ll work around that by creating our own!
Win a 1-year Unity Plus Subscription - To celebrate the upcoming launch of the 2D Shader Development series' third book I'm giving away a 1-year Unity Plus subscription (valued at $299). All of the entrants will get a free copy of 2D Shader Development: Foundations, the first book in the series when the giveaway ends!
Watercolor shader - Devblog#13 - How about a devlog about a watercolor shader? Sounds good! And you don't even have to bring your brush with you!
Brute Force
Unity UI Profiling: How dare you break my Batches? - You spend an infinite amount of time optimizing your Unity UI. But, all it takes to really screw up performance is a sneaky modification on a tiny attribute of an almost invisible Canvas UI element. And when that happens, not even Unity UI Profiling will save you from dropping frames. Are you ready for the road ahead?
Ruben Torres Bonet
Friday Facts #317 - New pathfinding algorithm - When a unit wants to go somewhere, it first needs to figure out how to get there. That could be as simple as going straight to its goal, but there can be obstacles – such as cliffs, trees, spawners, player entities – in the way. To do that, it will tell the pathfinder its current position and the goal position, and the pathfinder will – possibly after many ticks – reply with a path, which is simply a series of waypoints for the unit to follow in order to get to its destination.
Gamedev Tutorial: Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Slope Angles, And Facing Objects - New gamedev tutorial is up! This time it's about inverse trigonometric functions, slope angles, and facing objects.
Ming-Lun “Allen” Chou @TheAllenChou
iOS Memory Deep Dive for Unity Developers - Blogged about iOS memory issues that Unity developers may encounter. What is the memory management mechanism of iOS? How to view a stack call for a large memory allocation? How is managed memory allocated? Check it Out!
Jiadong Chen
Journey Sand Shader: Diffuse Colour - The journey to recreate Journey's sand shader continues. This new chapter teaches everything you need to know to understand how to correctly shade sand dunes.
Alan Zucconi
Easy way to Debug Colorful texts in Unity Console - I made a custom language to Debug in Unity.
Seyed Morteza Kamali
ParticleAnalyzer.cs - Just made a tool to show a particle vfx components selectively.
Switch Camera Projection - Swap the Projection camera from Perspective to Orthographic using an linear interpolation function coupled with an easing function.
Ugo Hed
ModelToPrefabBatchConverter.cs - I created an editor script for #Unity to quickly load a folder full of 3D models, and generate their respective #prefabs! (and optionally auto-add some #colliders and #rigidbodies).
Andrei Müller (Andy Miira)
GameObject Component System (GoCS) for Unity - I decided to write about a good Unity design pattern I started using recently, somewhere halfway between ECS and OOP. I'm calling it GoCS and I'd love some feedback :)
Ultra Effects | Part 2 - Sinking Feeling Animating the scene with waves - All the best videogames have water levels. This shader effect will give ANY game the nauseating feel of a nautical scene! Learn how to use image UVs and the depth texture here!
Daniel Ilett
* All jobs listed consider remote hires.
Unity3D Clean Code with Jason & Charles - Q&A - Jason, from Unity3d College, and I discuss Clean Code and answer your questions about programming, game development, and Unity.
Infallible Code
How to design with feedback and game feel in mind - Unite Copenhagen - This video will cover the workflow and processes one of the teams at Ubisoft uses to craft enjoyable game experiences, with a heavy focus on game feel. It'll show how to design with feedback and game feel in mind, how to iterate to get to a satisfying result, and the tools you can use in Unity to do so.
A publisher's journey on the Unity Asset Store - Unite Copenhagen - Take a visual journey to discover how to create, maintain and manage an asset on the Asset Store. It's the story of how the DoozyUI: Complete UI Management System asset evolved over a four-year period, with insight into the milestones and lessons learned along the way.
Block Landscape Generation With Perlin Noise In Unity3D (Tutorial) - Ever wonder how to generate a block landscape? In this unity3d tutorial we use perlin noise & cubes to spawn blocky random hills. The same code set building heights in my procedural city vid. Source inside.
Matt MirrorFish
Scaling Unity: Witcher Craft - Unite Copenhagen - This in-depth video will showcase how the GWENT team tackled some of the most common problems it faces with big Unity projects. And, you'll find out how the studio managed to ship "GWENT: The Witcher Card Game" and "Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales" on five platforms.
How HDRP unlocks graphics - Unite Copenhagen - The High-Definition Render Pipeline in Unity 2019.3 gives you high-fidelity graphics for high-end platforms. With HDRP, you have the tools to create anything from games to technical demos at the highest resolution.
BEST OF MADE WITH UNITY #43 - Week of October 24, 2019 - Here is a list of the top content made with unity for the week of October 24, 2019. This is a short list of some of the coolest things we found online that were made using Unity.
GameDevHQ - Learn Game Dev
RIG & ANIMATE 2D Characters in Unity 2019! (Tutorial) - In Unity 2019, we can rig and animate 2D characters and sprites! In this video, we're rigging and animating a 2D character!
HUMBLE BOOK BUNDLE: DEVELOPING YOUR OWN GAMES BY SPRINGER - Turn your video game ideas into a reality! Get a head start in your game development career with ebooks like Developing 2D Games with Unity, Mostly Codeless Game Development, and Understanding Game Application Development.
Humble Bundle Affiliate
MAST - Modular Asset Staging Tool (FREE) - MAST is an editor extension for Unity, primarily intended for staging 3D modular assets. It is very useful for making scenes and levels that are based off of a grid. Instead of having to drag a prefab into the inspector, then manually move, rotate and flip it, MAST provides a simple interface that lets you do all the above before ever placing the item in your scene.
HUMBLE BOOK BUNDLE: COMPUTER PRODUCTIVITY & CODING BY MERCURY LEARNING - Work smarter, not harder. Get productive in front of the screen with this bundle of ebooks from Mercury Learning!
Humble Bundle Affiliate
50 Free HDRI Panoramas - Jacek Pilarski has decided to make all of the 4K resolution HDRI panoramas on Location Textures free.
80 Level
Crumble - Crumble is a dynamic physics platformer. Move like a Slime, jump like a ball, swing like Spiderman! The devblog contains lots of interesting posts on shaders, effects, assets and more
Brute Force